Monday, September 7, 2009

ku titip doa dr kejauhan......

hnya doa dpt ku kirim
buat sepupu ku yg baru pergi
pergi nya x kn kembali
menyahut seruan Ilahi
ku berdoa pad Mu ya Tuhan
redha kn la hati si ibu itu
dia x terdaya melawan takdir mu
hanya Kau yg tau apa yg terbaik untuk umat Mu
kau kuatkan la semangat si ibu itu
mungkin tiada siapa lg yg akn menjaga nya slpas ini
tiada lg yg menjaga mkn mnum nya sehari2
penderitanan yg sekian lama dia tggung
telah kau tmbah dengan mengambil kembali anugerah yg Kau telah beri
kau Maha mengetahui
kau Maha pengasih dan Maha penyayang

Sunday, September 6, 2009

ku pohon...

kekadang terasa hdup sprt sendiri
tiada siapa yg dgr luahan hati ini
tp aku terlupa
Allah itu maha mendengar
ku pohon padaMU ya Tuhan
kau beri lah aku kekuatan
aku hanya ingin bertahan
ku x mmpu untuk melawan
hanya redha mu yg mengiringi hidup ini
ku pohon
kau ampuni dosa2 mereka
kau ampuni juga dosa2 aku ini
yg lebih byk mmbenci dr menyayangi
moga aku lbih tabah di hr2 yg mendatang...

Sunday, August 2, 2009

pabila si kecil berbicara

[ aiman di sisi ameera ]

[ model gigi ]

aiman: nenek, nape meera xde gigi cm aiman ni [smbil tersengih mempamerkan barisan gigi beliau]
nenek: baby kn kcik lg, mne de gigi...aiman dlu kcik2 pon mcm ameera gak...xde gigi kn
aiman: bkn la cm 2 la nenek, gigi ameera patah la...ameera x pndai jage
nenek: bijak tol cucu aku ni...kcik2 lg dh pndai reka cerita ye

Sunday, July 26, 2009

happening happen

smlm ptg aku kuar ngn mmbe2...g JJ tebrau tgk muvie LAND OF THE giler muvie ni...berbaloi aku bratur pnjg2 time nk bli tket...n kiteorg mmg bernasib baik coz tket ckup2 je tggal utk kite org 4 org..muvie ni sgt klakar n leh gelak smpai skit2 prot....aku bg 4.5 star...hehe
after lyn muvie ni n g shopping,then kte org g la jln2 kt fun fair danga bay...x men pun game kt situ coz fees die mhl...1 game kne byr rm10 woo...bek g genting je lg syok...

[ aku rse diri aku sgt kecik compare ngn bnda pusing2 kt blkg 2 ]

kt blkg 2 de kuda pusing2...teringin sgt nk naik, tp syg wit plak...klu de org sudi nk blnje xpe gak..hehe

kt dlm fun fair tu de tpt nme "PETTING ZOO"...nk msuk cni kne byr rm1o (adult) n rm5 (children)...aku ngn mulut manis nye g tawar mnawar ngn bangla yg jge entrance tu...pas 2 die bg masuk dgn harga tiket RM30 utk 4's mean 2 adult n 2 rm10...gua mulut manis beb, tgk la tahi lalat kt bibir ni...huhu

[ simba yg cumel ]

kt dlm zoo tu de byk haiwan..n plg best, 1st time in my life aku dpt peluk tiger yg bernama simba...n byk ag haiwan2 len yg cumil2 de kt situ cm AIDIL(gajah), BLACKY (anjing), 50 cent (kucing) n byk2 ag la...b4 kuar dr zoo kite org smpat gak lyn mini circus yg dipersmbhkn oleh haiwan yg aku sebut kn td...

pas blk dr danga bay, kiteorg g kyn char kuew tiaw kt Pulai...mmg sdap char kue tiaw die... hr yg aku lalui semlm sgt la enjoy n happening...len kali klu rse dh bosan ngadap mmbe2 kt dlm u ni, jom la g petting zoo...mmg syok tgk haiwan2 ni...terhibur gak la hati aku yg lara ni...haha...
pasni mmg nk dtg tpt ni lg...especially ngn si polan yg pnah jnji nk bwk aku g sni...daa....adios

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

hari yg panass

td tgh syok2 dgr lecture Construction Management, tbe2 black out lecturer aku yg sgt dedikasi 2 ttp teruskan lecture die...bla bla bla, clas abes kul 12...then aku dpt call dr sky net, bg tau aku yg cyg aku dh smpai...berkobar2 aku nk g jemput die...bes je clas, trus aku blah g tmn U... rndu sgt kt cyg aku 2...dh lbih smnggu x jmpe die...hehe...condition die ok je cume de calar2 sket...sdih jgak aku tgk...xpe la jnji nouvo kesayangan aku 2 dh de ngn aku blk...pas jmput nouvo, aku trus blk blik... smpai je blik, giler ah pnas...letrik xde ag... pk punya pk, aku ngn mmbe aku amik kputsan g mnyejukkan bdn kt JJ...pekena ABC ni syok gak...kiteorg pon g la JJ n pekena ABC...blk dr JJ, trus g traning futsal...nxt week nk lwn dh...hope aku nye team success...

Sunday, July 19, 2009


byk sgt yg mengganggu
byk sgt yg berlaku
aku jd keliru
x fhm mksud kamu
kata rindu
tp sepi terus berlalu
aku hnya menunggu
tp kau tak pernah tahu

Friday, July 17, 2009

kisah2 cuti2

kisah 1:
10 mnggu aku dok kt umah...5 hari seminggu aku ulang-alik 15km g tpt praktikal aku...n time hjung mnggu mmg best coz pnuh ngn aktvt yg mnyeronotkan... g kenduri kwen,g mandi manda kt hutan lipur kanching, jln2 cari mkn seafood, lpak tepi pntai n mcm2 ag lah...n yg pling seronot mlm mnggu g tgk speed battle kt sepang...bingit tlige dgr deruman enjin keta2 yg dh diupgrade...len kali klu nk g kne bwk headphone mmg best tgk die dieorg bwk keta laju2...xde police trfic pon leh saman ...hehe...hjung mnggu ni de gak kt sepang tp aku x leh g la coz dh kt JB neh...sedey :( klu de pluang ag, mmg aku nk g....syok!!

[ dgn senyuman melayan kebingitan deruman enjin]

kisah 2:
jdual kepulangan aku ke JB terpaksa ditunda selama 3 hari coz nk tggu akak aku bersalin...due date die 13/ tnda2 xde ag..then ptg isnin hr 2 die kne thn kt hospital sg buloh..then, esoknya seharian aku g melangut kt hospital tggu baby kuar...finally tepat jam 11.01 mlm 14/7/2009 baby girl selamat ibu dan si anak sehat2 blaka...lega la rse nye smua dh slamat...pasni aku leh la blk JB dgn tenang... bwh ni de gmbo baby girl xde name ag...
{bile la aku nk de baby cmni...hehe}

[ baby si bibir sexy ]

prctical training

[ model driller ]

[ aku+ sen + wak yoyo...10 kaki dr aras bumi...gayat nehh ]

syukur dh lpas dh 10 mggu aku traning...byk bnda aku blaja...n mcm2 pnglaman aku dpt.. b4 aku stat trainning mmg byk persoalan yg de kt pale aku nih..rse tkot, risau n neves de coz tkut x leh nk perform ngn 1st day aku stat traning aku rse best n enjoy2 je...xde pressure sgt n sume org kt opis 2 mmg baik2...die org x treat aku cm bdak praktikal but treat cm a part of them...n bile g kt site, mmg byk bnda baru yg aku blaja...ilmu2 yg aku x dpt kt U byk yg aku blaja kt cni...n sesape yg lum wat traning ag 2, jgn le rsau sgt coz kte g traning ni mmg tujuan untuk cari ilmu n timba pngalaman...x yh rsau klu korang tu x berapa nk ckup ilmu didada...yg pnting korang kne komited la ngn keje korang 2 nnti ek..

Sunday, April 19, 2009


aku mau pergi

aku mau kembali
aku mau menyanyi
aku mau menari
aku mau berlari
aku mau terbang
aku mau hilang
aku mau menangis
aku mau guris
aku mau disini
aku mau sendiri
aku mau jadi diriku
aku x peduli....

Sunday, March 22, 2009

trip to DESAru...

[ best nye laut kt blkg 2 ]

smlm aku n mmbe aku, 4 org semua nye g DESARU coz kite org teringin sgt nk mndi laut..
prjln dr UTM g desaru amik mse lbh kurang 1 jam 45 mnit...jln die agak membosankan n kiri knan ladang sawit  n lalu byk kwsan felda..b4 smpai desaru kiteorg snggah kt kota tinggi dlu, tapau mkn utk lunch nnt...time kite org smpai desaru, x rmai sgt org..nmpk je laut, kite org dh jerit2 coz rse teruja sgt...laut 2 cm lmbai2 je aku...syok giler nk mndi kite org lpak2 dlu isi perut, lg pon cuace pnas terik time kite org smpai 2..then pas mkn, ape lg, tukar la uniform then trus terjun kt giler...enjoy mmg enjoy, tp pas2 muke x kisah la, jnji dpt mndi laut...n pasni kite org mmg nk g sne ag..klu g rmai2 ngn mmbe2 msti lg syok... 

[ panas terik time ni ]

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


tggal 7/3 yg lpas, genap la umur aku 22 thun...thun ni xde celebrate sgt cm thun lpas2 coz hr 2 aku blk kg coz abg long aku, aku just dpt sms wishes dr kwn2 jer...thnks lots 4 all da wishes... syukur Allah pnjangkan umur aku smapi ke 22 tahun...byk yg aku harapkan sepanjang umur aku 22 tahun yg mndatang ni...moga Allah kuatkan lg semangat aku yg makin rapuh ni n semoga pe yg mndatang aku dapat tempuhi dgn tabah...

[kek dr kakak n abg ipar aku yg aku syg sgt2]

[ cupcakes dr kwn2 ku syg...sdaappp]

Friday, March 13, 2009


i cant find the word
to tell wut im feel now
to show how my life now
feel jaded of everything
give up 2 do something
tired to waiting
stuck of thinking

and im loosing something
that i need so much
feel wanna fly away
through the blue sky
coz i know there is heaven
and see the small world
with no pain
to hide inside
and this feeling shall last
and prove that i strong enough
to let it go
just keep me awake
keep me dazed

 everything will get better
if i can stay for a while
find another way
to be exactly
wut i supposed to be
and to be happier one day
waiting you will hold my hand
then we dancing through the rain
telling our hopes and fears
and i believe
theres no more tears......

Sunday, February 15, 2009

A candy as before........


hey baby..
what the hell is wrong with you
did u know that i always all right since all along before
dont u see my shining smile
the scar that u have left inside
its still bleeding 
but u can't see it
i just let it go
i pretend to be happy like u
and i myself  painting my colourless rainbow 
and my stars will shining brightly
i'll be allright since u walk away
the moment that we have shared
will be faded away
this is the last kiss for you
for all the memories we had 
i'll carry in mine
for all the the things i have messed up
forgive me, forgive me not
 i  dun care about u anymore
its up to u
i just wanna be like a candy as before..

~yuna-dan sebenarnya


Hr ni aku bgn pg dgn rse pnas kt seluruh bdn..bibir pon pecah2… aku pnas dlm…rse x semngat jer nk bgn pg…tp bgn gak, coz mmbe aku ajak g breakfast sme2…then tgh hr x selera nk mkn…sbaik de mmbe aku ni tlong msakkan aku bubur (thnks lots ckin)…then pas zuhur  aku tdo coz pale rse berat sgt…bgn2 jer aku teringt yg aku dh jnji ngn sorang ni yg aku nk g nike factory ngn die…aku trus msg die…alih2 die kte die dh g…pergh…luluh jer rse hati…dh la x say sory (ssah sgt ke?)…aku rse cm nk terjun bgnn jer…dh la aku cncel nk kuar ngn mmbe2 aku coz dh jnji ngn mamat ni…giler tol, kwn bek sndiri dh mngkir jnji…sdih ar…kne tggal sorang2 kt blik sdg kn smua mmbe len kuar g enjoy2…bpk bosan dok blik jer..aku pon dgn hati kering nyer kuar gak g follow mmbe aku g danga bay nek nuvo aku 2…dgn bdn yg lemah n pnas msih terasa, aku ttp nk kuar jln gak..tension dok blik jer…aku stat moto, trus pecut…tp aku cncel g danga coz die org nk g SP, so aku aku g la angsana cr brg jap..Aku pon truskn perjlnn aku g angsana…Jln agak sesak hr ni coz hr cuti kn…dgn pnas terik nye d tmbah dgn panas hati aku (tgh bengang) tmbh lg dmam pnas yg aku alami (korang kire sndri bpe byk pans yg aku alami), aku terus pecut nuvo aku smpai ke meter 100…then tibe2 aku nmpk de sekor mamat ni tnjuk isyarat lucah kt aku…hey! Ko ingt aku ni ape ar…pe hal ntah mamat ni…aku x cr psal pon ngn ko..wutever!!Smpai je kt angsana aku pon trus cr brg yg aku nk bli…aku jln melilau sorang2 (rse cm org giler pon ade)…x peduli ngn sape pon  pndg2 kt aku…dh dkat nk mgrib, aku pon blk la...n then aku smpat singgah kt nike factory, ushar2 brg kt sne…then trus blk UTM. Kosong jer rse hdop hr ni…

>kwn time snang rmai, time ssah xde pon yg sudi ni aku br tau sape yg sbnr nye sahabat dlm hidup aku...kdg2 org yg kite anggap shbt 2 sbnrnye x slalu pon peduli ttg kite... 

~nidji-arti sahabat

Saturday, February 14, 2009



kau ingin lari dr dirinya
yg slalu membunuh setiamu
kau ingin pergi jauh dr nya 
yg pernah guris hatimu
hidup lah dengan ku
kita kn slalu warnai pelangi
kau mahu membilang bintang2 di langit
bersama disisiku
yg kn slalu buat kau tersenyum
tinggalkn lah dia yg x pernah mngerti
dia yg x punya hati
pergi jauh
pergi dr hitam hidup dia
kita kn bahagia bersama
warnai hidup dengan cara kita
biar kn dia pergi dgn abadi
kerna dia sendiri x pernah mngerti
arti chenta yg tulus suci

~julies goes oversea-tinggal

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

ice creammmmm.......

[paddle pop-rainbow]

mengiDAMN nk mkn ice cream nih...wawawa......

Monday, February 9, 2009

arti sahabat

Kita selalu melihat dia ketawa,tetapi mungkin sebenarnya dia tidak setabah yang kita sangkakan.

Di sebalik senyuman manis nya mungkin banyak cerita sedih yang ingin diluahkan..

Di sebalik ketenangannya mungkin tersimpan seribu kekalutan.

Di sebalik tulus hatinya mungkin ada sesuatu yg disembunyikan.

Di sebalik redup matanya mungkin ada mendung yang menyelubungi.

Kita tidak tahu.

Tetapi jika kita cuba jadi sahabat disisinya,mungkin kita akan tahu.

Jd lah sahabat yg bisa buat dia ketawa.

Yg bisa sapu air matanya.

Hadir bila dia sdg berduka.

Gembira bila dia sdg ketawa.

Aku dan dia adalah sahabat.

Aku dan kamu adalah sahabat.

~vitamin c-graduation

Sunday, February 8, 2009

keTENSIONan melanda...


>nxt week de presentation (bohsan...kne ckp kt dpn ngn kne control ayu)
>nxt week de 2 test (byk kne hfal step calculation)
>tpt LI x dpt ag (lmbb tol nk reply)
>lecturer PSM x dpt ag (nk amik highway, tp lecturer dh pnuh...pekejadah la x ckup lecturer ni)
>benjol pale aku x surut ag (cm mkin teruk jer)
>lebam kaki aku x hlang ag (jd abjad U)
>bdak sbelah ni conquer penyidai (ko hengat bpk ko nye penyidai ke)
>borang subjek kne submit tp x g sign PA ag 
>asgnmnt mlmbak2 (nk wat, tp lum dpt seru...)

sbaik aku dpt hobi br>>jogging.....leh hlang tension, leh trunkn berat bdn...rse cm semangt sket hdup bile jtung kite shat...hopefuly pasni aku lg krus n, xde la org nk ktuk2 aku lg...heh

[ syiok jer tgk org len dting kt tepi tasik ni...huhu ]

[kami berpeluh, kami sihat]

tpt lepak pas jog [bercerita ttg kehidupan]

hmm......nk g dating tp xde sape yg ajak...i hate dis part right here...wawawa...nk g tgk sifu n best jer...leh ketawa2...msti hlang tension...

tp klu la aku leh jd cm ct nurhaliza...blaja x pndai pon leh popular...leh kwen ngn org kaye...
pe kn daya, aku hanya ct zareena...insan biasa...

~besyukur dgn ape yg ada...yg penting heppy!!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

it's all about GIRL

smlm de kwn aku mngadu kt aku...die kte ssah tol nk fhm hati pmpuan ni...huhu...mmg le...pmpuan ni hati nye halus...hdup pmpuan lbih cmplicated dr laki....meh aku kongsi sket fakta ttg pmpuan, so korang2 yg kaum adam 2 leh lbih mngerti seorg pmpuan...

~P slalunye de time2 die moody (phm2 je la bile) > P tgh dlm keadaan x selesa (hormon x stabil)
~P ssah utk berkata YA utk sesetengah perkara >  ckup la jika die x berkata TIDAK means die setujula..P malu2 kucing...hati mau, mulut x mau
~P ssgup berkorban lbih utk insan yg disayangi dr utk kwn sendiri
~P x suke ditunggu > rimas
~P lbih suke pendam perasaan > malu untuk meluahkan coz takut di sakiti
~hati P cm kerak nasi > lmbt laun akn P lbih byk setuju drpd mnentang
~P sukar untuk melupakan > ambik mase utk heal
~P lebih teliti dlm byk perkara > dr segi penampilan
~P akn lbih ambik perhatian kpd org yg diminati or di sukai dr sekecil2 perkara hingga ke sebesar2 perkara > sggup korek rhsia si dia dr org len...
~P tak suka dipaksa > pjuk la die elok2...mesti die cair
~P kuat jelez (tanda nye syg) > x suke laki citer or puji2 P len dpn die..P nk jd terbaik di mata laki yg disukai nye
~P snang menangis > hati pmpuan sensitif, so bagi la kata2 utk tnagkn hati P
~P kuat merajuk > saje nk d beri lbih perhatian...jgn biar P mrajuk lme2...
~P ssah nk fokus byk perkara > so bile die tgh sakit hati or mrajuk,ssah nk wat keje, pjuk la die cpt2...ksian die...
~P lbih mudah jtuh hati ngn laki yg slalu ambik berat psl dirinya > slalu la tnye kbr P ni,  klu nk ngorat die...
~P x suke ditenung > nnt cair

semua ni bkn la fakta yg terbukti kesahihannya...cume sekadar gmbaran ttg P... x semua P kbnyakan nye spt yg aku tulis 2 la..
ni je la yg aku leh kongsi serba sedikit ttg P....nnti klu de ag yg len, aku tulis ag k...

# perempuan bkn dijadikan dr kepala lelaki untuk dijunjung,bkn dr kaki untuk dipijak tapi dijadikan dr tulang rusuk laki untuk didampingi dan disayangi....renung2kan...

Friday, February 6, 2009

hr rabu..

giler lmbt flow kt PK ni...aku nye giliran 162 tp aku tgk kt board tu br 142...giler lame aku tggu...blik dktor de 5 tp yg gne cme 3...mcm mne x lmbt...pas2 de plak patient ni bising2 coz die kte no giliran die x d pnggil...then ngadu kt staf PK...staf 2  g ar jmpe doktor... doktor 2 ngn bengang nye g mrh patient 2 coz patient 2 xde g mne ntah time no giliran die d panggil...ksian gak aku tgk patient 2...terkebil2 die time kne mrh...tunggu2 punye tggu, no aku pon d pnggil..aku msuk blik dr td 2...muke die cm kelat jer...msti still bengang ngn kejadian td...dr. 2 pon pekse la aku...die suh aku amik ubat then klu xde pe2 perubahan, die suh aku g jmpe die blk...hope benjol kt pale aku ni mkin surut ar...takut klu2 mkin besar,jd bnde len plak...pas amik ubat aku trus blah...blk blik, mkn ubat then tido...

~p/s : rawat sebelum terlewat

TAG (pekebende ntah)

5 Fakta tentang diri:
1) lahir lewat 10 hr…tp x gerak dh dlm perut…mak aku ingt aku dh xde…syukur hidup ag.

2) penah nyaris2 kne lggar bus semase mlintas jln…that y nw aku sgt berhati2 apb mlintas jln
3) suka maen air
4) suka kuar jln2 sorang2 klu boring
5) Tkut memandu keta…tp klu motor, laju jer beb… 

5 perkara menakutkan dalam dunia:
1) kehilangan family ku
2) accident
3) perang
4) kebuluran
5) kematian
5 lagu buat masa sekarang:
1) hapus aku-nidji
2) suara (ku berharap)- hijau daun
3) patri-jinbara
4) i hate dis part -PCD
5) cinta x pernah sama - nidji

5 perkara yang selalu disebut:
1) owh yeah
2) weh
3) yup
4) hek ko
5) gapo dio

5 perkara yang amat bernilai:
1) nuvo s ~ BJN6929
2) laptop ~ compaq
3) hnset ~ sony ericsson
4) cincin
5) hati ku

5 perkara pertama kali dalam hidup ku:
1) hilang arah hidup selama setahun...
2) kerja jd promoter kt Jusco time cuti mid sem
3) g kutip durian kt dusun!!
4) bwk cash rm1500 nek bus lompat2 g KL  
5)  kne reject


Tuesday, February 3, 2009


mlm td mak cik aku telah pulang ke rahmatullah kerana sakit yg x dpt dikenal pasti...  ..n lebih kurang sebulan lpas, sepupu aku pon mniggal,sbb sakit buah pinggang...semoga Allah menucuri rahmat ke atas roh mereka...amin........

aku plak x sempat nk blk kg...coz arwah akan di kebumi awal2 akak aku kte xyh blk...doakn je semoga semua baik2 shj......arwah mak cik aku ni seorang ibu tunggal n x mempunyai ank...beliau hnya mnumpng kasih syg saudara mara...

aku rse sgt sedih...beliau pergi sblum sempat aku mmbalas smua jasa2 beliau...slalu klu cuti,aku akn g umah beliau...aku slalu mnta beliau doakn aku...

hmm...kdg2 kite jrg nk hargai org yg ade dgn kite...kite x tnjukkn kasih syg bile die dh pergi tinggalkan kite, br kite kite rse nk semua dh, hrgailah insan di sekililing kite...yg pling utama mak ayh, adik beradik, saudara mara n semua kwn yg kite ade...hargai lah dan sayangi lah mereka sebelum terlambat...

~hidup itu indah jika saling sayang-menyayangi...

Sunday, February 1, 2009



i lie in bed at night n pray
that u will think of me
i cry until my eyelids close
and dream - eternity

i wake to sunlight on my face
for a moment i forget
then a cloud passes by
and i realize, this is it
i carry on throught the day
feeling joy and feeling pain
i long to gaze upon your face
and share a smile, an embrace

the day is drawing to an end
and still...i think of u
i try to relax, yet in my mind
i wonder what to do

so now i lay me down to sleep
i pray the Lord
my soul will keep
and should u chance to think of me
know that I LUV U...

~dis poem [wrote by chimmot] is dedicated 2 all my rumate in m3rix...cHimmot+rOsMa+Eda...IKA...n all TP9...i miss u all so much...mmuuaahhh


rosma + xena + ika + chimmot

eda + rosma +chimmot +xena >>P3T317..KMPk

Saturday, January 31, 2009


Your relationship status?
~single mingle

What is your current mood?
~B U H S A N

What's your sista's name?
~nurul, yanie

What's your favorite color(s)?
black + purple

 With Who do you wish you were right now?
mike n syah...n all my ex-kmpk

 Ever had a near death experience?
~ dh nk kne lggar ngn bus...dat's y aku sgt tkut nk lintas jln...tlg la pimpin tgn

 Something you do a lot?
~ reading n singing

What's stopping you from going for the person you like
~my past relationship..
What is your lucky number?
~7, 14
Describe your life in one word?
~ complicated

If you could wish for something over a birthday cake right now what would it be?
~ i want sumeone to share evrythng with me..

 What did you wear now?
~singlet n boxer...i feel free...

Do you act differently around the person you like..
nope...i am who i am...

R u in love?
~  yeah...i'm in love with myslf..haha

If god comes to grant three wishes, what would u ask for?
~ sumebody, heppy, welthy

whats special in u?
deserve to sacrife myself...

whats bad in u?
~ i'm naughty..............really...

 Anything that u wish to knoe?
~ why i always be cheated by bad guy??

Do people misjudge u?
~ yup...always!!

 Has anyone said that u r beautiful?
~  said im sweet slalu jer...hehe

  Any last words?
it's take some times, but then it's too dun wait for sumeone...appreciate wat u hv now n be heppy with that....chance only comes once...

Friday, January 30, 2009

blk U T M

mlm td aku smpai kt UTM dlm kul 10.30pm...lme gak ar dok dlm bus 2..lbh kureng 6 slalu nye 5jam dh leh pk cik drebar bus 2 pnye psl la...g lyn si tomboi 2 smbng2 wtpe, kn bwk bus terkedek2 cm xpe gak ar, jnji slamat smpai...msuk jer kt UTM rse sunyi sepi...rmai ag x blk kn...then msuk blik jer rse cm seram sejuk plak...teringat kt kjadian gnjil yg berlaku time aku tido kt umah mlm kelmarin...tgh syok d buai mmpi indah,tbe2 je aku terjaga coz aku rse pale cm skit sgt n rse cm kne tarik2...skit nye tuhan jer yg tau...esok nye pale aku bengkak n skit sgt...n pg ni plak,aku bgn tido jer rse skit kt betis aku...tgk de lebam yg agak beso cm kne ggit sumthing...hoho...scary tol...hopefuly xde pe2 yg brlaku kt aku...insyallah...hmm....

Thursday, January 29, 2009

mid sem break + chnese nw year

sbtu lpas, bersamaan 24hb jan, aku pulang ke kg hlman coz cti mid sem ngn cuti chnese nw yr...aku tmpang nek keta syah..p'jlnn kte org stat dlm kul 7 ++ am..aku, syah n awek padil nek keta n padil follow nek moto...syah dgn gila2 nyer lalu jln dlm...mmg rse sgat sengal2 la punggung aku dok dlm keta 2...smpai KL dlm kul 4 lbih...giler xpe gak, boring jer klu lalu highway...skali skala lalu dlm orait per...then smpai KL, abg long aku jmput aku kt Petronas Bt Caves...itu pon stlh hmpir sejam sakit tumit aku berdiri tggu die...hmpez tol...then aku truskn p'jlnn ke kg halamn aku..time 2 mmg tgh pans terik...chy matahri scr lgsung  mmbakar kulit aku yg dh sedia 'tan in color ni',pas2 leh plak jem berbatu2 jauh nyer..peluh hangat pon memercik2.....aku pon ngn muke cm tempe,  mmbelek2 tpt kuar aircond kt dashbord keta abg aku 2...cehh, xde aircond rupenye...hrap jer BMW, tp aircond pon xde...geramm tol...aku pon lantas (curi ayt syah) mnutup mate ngn harpan bile aku celik jer, dh smpai kt umah mlg nyer x smpai umah ag, aku dh celik...jem x abes2...bla bla bla...aku smpai umah dlm kul takes so long to reach my hometown..aku ngn lemah longlai kuar dr keta n trus bersalaman ngn mak aku...mak aku trus bg ayt stndard beliau " pnat ke bdak jhor??, 2 la, mntak ag U yg jauh2, klu mntak U yg dekat, skjap leh smpai"...aku dh lali ngn ayt mak aku 2...x ksah la blaja kt mane2 pon mak, jnji heppy!! persoaln nye, hepy ke aku ni???...jeng3X

Friday, January 23, 2009

i hate this part-PCD

We're driving slow
Through the snow
On fifth avenue
And right now radio's
All that we can hear

Now we ain't talked since we left
It's so overdue
It's cold outside
But between us its worse in here

The world slows down
But my heart beats fast right now
I know this is the part
Where the end starts

I can't take it any longer
Thought that we were stronger
All we do is linger
Slipping through my fingers

I don't want to try now
All that's lefts goodbye to
Find a way that I can tell you

I hate this part right here
I hate this part right here
I just can't take your tears
I hate this part right here

Everyday seven takes of the same old scene
Seems we're bound by the laws of the same routine
Gotta talk to you now fore we go to sleep
But will we sleep once I tell you what's hurting me

The world slows down
But my heart beats fast right now
I know (i know) this is (this is) the part where the end starts

I can't take it any longer
Thought that we were stronger
All we do is linger
Slipping through my fingers

I don't want to try now
All that's lefts goodbye to
Find a way that I can tell you

I hate this part right here
I hate this part right here
I just can't take your tears
I hate this part right here

I know you'll ask me to hold on
And carry on like nothings wrong
But there is no more time for lies
Cause I see sunset in your eyes

I can't take it any longer
Thought that we were stronger
All we do is linger
Slipping through our fingers

I don't want to try now
All that's lefts goodbye to
Find a way that I can tell you

But I gotta do it
I gotta do it
I gotta do it
I hate this part

I gotta do it
I gotta do it
I gotta do it

I hate this part right here
I hate this part right here
I just can't take these tears
I hate this part right here